"Dropping In" with Nicholas Stewart aka Nick The Medic

Design by Rocky

     I got a chance to sit down and ask some questions to a super duper rad skater. This was huge for me to overcome my awkward and quirky introvert behavior and take a break from writing some fictions and get back to blogging. Shout out to Rocky who made my newish logo, I might have some cool free stickers too if you ask. So look down further for an awkward Zeppelin and a cool as shit Nicholas Stewart aka Nick The Medic

Me: To preface this, I am in now way a journalist.

Nick: Oh we know

Me: *laughs awkwardly*

Me: Starting off, let's introduce yourself: imagine yourself at a podium in front of the whole world, what would you say about you and who you are?

Nick: Hi my name is Nicholas Stewart, some people know me as Nick The Medic on Instagram and in the rollerskate community. 

Me: Alright thats it, thanks for coming.

Just kidding check this rad shit out.

Photo taken by @soulcaptor 

Me: lets jump into it, I can only assume, but being an influencer in the skate community sounds exhausting as well as all of the organizations, what are some non skating ways you like to unwind (knit, read a book, etc) ?

Nick: So skating used to be my outlet. Now it seems that I need an outlet for my outlet. I go to the gym, I do yoga, play hockey. Those are my main activities but I also dabble in snowboarding and rock climbing. I also do other things like building things and being creative with different projects as well as drone photography. Mostly doing something I haven't done before. 

Me: Drone photography? Oh yeah I think you posted a few things and it looked really cool. 

Nick: Yeah I really like the problem solving aspect of it all. Flying a drone is very challenging skill wise considering objects like powerlines and trees and certain things like that. Taking a photo is an entirely different game, you have to really put yourself out there because from the perspective viewpoint you can’t really see it. So it’s hard to really look for, it’s a challenge and the more and more I do it the more and more I stand there in the middle of an open area and try to figure out where the opening is?Where is the sun?Where is the cool castle in the backyard? Trying to figure out how to get the drone there. It's a lot going on. It’s crazy. It’s weird. I really like it, it makes my mind think a lot.

(Check out Nick's Instagram for some awesome drone shots! @nickthemedic

Me:Alright, well this next question might be your “favorite”. Referring to the motion picture Twilight, are you team Jacob or team Edward? Or like me are you team Charlie(because he seems to be the only normal one)?


Nick: Which one was Charlie?


Nick:Yeah I guess he was like the reality check character of the movie huh?

Me: Yeah, he's the only normal one(Don’t come for me fans of twilight)

Nick: I don’t know, I guess I like werewolves more. I don’t really care. I’m more of a Star Wars fan. I’d rather be on Team Rebels or Team Empire

Photo taken by @tinyavenger72

Me: Okay so Team Jacob for sure, or I guess Team Werewolves in general. 

Nick: Well I do like vampires too, maybe ones from Anne Rice novels.

Me: Yeah my type of vampire is definitely like Lost Boys or Interview With A Vampire.

Nick: Yeah Ann Rice!

Me: I know, those are like my ideal vampires and I hate vampire stuff.

Nick: Yeah it’s because you’re exhausted.

Me: Yeah it’s the same shit over and over. I guess the Underworld series was okay.

Nick: Yeah those are good.

Me: Because Kate Beckinsale is hot as shit! Anyways, enough about vampires, it’s making me angry. 

Me: Alright, If you were to sit down and interview/ask questions with ANY person (dead or alive), who would it be?

Nick: Oh man…do I have to say what questions I would ask?

Me: No, we don’t have to get that deep just the person

Nick: How about Tesla?

Me: Wait like Elon Musk?!? ( Keep in mind I’m running off of like 3 hours of sleep because of anxiety. Again, Don’t come for me)

Nick: No like the actual Tesla *Laughs*


Nick: Yeah that one.

Me: He’s got such an interesting story

Nick: Absolutely, he was figuring out so many new technologies. I think they took him out.

Me: For sure, because he was different.

(If Edison is listening in, please don't turn off my power)

Me: What are some events that you have lined up that you are REALLY excited for?

Nick: Well I am running Quad Cup as the competition manager in a couple weeks. And after that I will be at the Huck Skates Supply booth at Rollercon.After that I’m done for the year. I just wrapped up the Moxi West/East camp, Northern Roll by LS-TEN in Leeds,England (which was AMAZING), then I came home to do the one day Drop in Skate Clinic. 

Me: Oh wow, right on you get to take a vacation soon!

Photo taken by @_cecilia_andrea_
Nick: Yes after Rollercon I can take a 3-4 month break mentally from all of these projects before it all starts back up in December.

Me: Yeah I see you popping up in all these events and it looks insanely exhausting but very fun.

So are you still working like a regular job on top of all of that?

Nick: Yes, I’m still working as a paramedic in Hollywood. It’s a little slow right now so I have been doing all of these projects trying to keep busy. It looks like it’s picking up a bit though soon.

Me: Sounds exhausting

Nick: Yeah

Me:With all of the travel you do for events, camps, etc, how do you handle the stress of staying sober? Has staying busy helped at all?

Nick: Staying busy is definitely helping. But I think I’m too busy or overwhelmed, or maybe just going through the process of things because I’m feeling more frustrated and edgy lately. So today I went to a sunrise meeting, which are really amazing., Its a pain in the ass to get there, but honestly you’re out at 8 am and starting your day on a fresh positive note.

Me: Definitely agree

Nick: Of course having people to talk that will support. I just gotta keep pushing through all the projects and taking time for yourself like meditating. It’s hard, it’s learning.

Me: The first year is a wild year to really learn about yourself. I’m about 12 years almost and still figuring out different things, it’s so interesting. One thing I messed up in my first year is not telling a lot of people and it made it so much more difficult. 

Nick: Yes you have to be accountable.

Me: absolutely.

Nick: You have to own it. 

Me: Let’s switch gears and do a fun question: Have you seen any Monty Python movie? If so, what would be your favorite?

Nick: I’ve only seen 3-4 of them.I’d say Holy Grail is a really good one.

Me: Wow, that makes me sad that you didn’t get that excited about that question lol. It's okay I guess. 

Nick: I knowwww, I’m sorry.

Me: It’s fine, I guess we can still be friends. Holy Grail is great, but I mean Life of Brian is just the best.

Photo taken by @soulcaptor

Moving on.

Me: Do you know how to read? If so, any books you like lately?

Nick: *laughs* I have a problem with books I like, and I’m not joking. It's happened like 3 times. I have an issue with being scared of it ending. And I feel discouraged because it’s been so long since I’ve picked them up that I don’t want to start over

Me: What kind of genres are we talking about? 

Nick: All Sci-fi, Like Ready Player One, Ready Player Two.

Me: I love Sci-Fi. I come from a very Orwell/Bradbury background.

Nick: The movie isn't that great though, the references are pushed up a couple of decades.

ME: *continues to talk about how good Red Rising by Pierce Brown is for a couple of seconds*

(Seriously though, go read it ya’ll)

Me: Alright so we have established that you can read!

Nick: Sometimes, I have to really be in the mood where my attention is focused. 

Me: Alright, well with 2024 being about halfway through, what's one thing you absolutely need to do?

Nick: Get to one year! 

Me: Are you going to get a chip?

Nick: I don’t think I can, I definitely will go and get a reminder for it. This journey is on my terms and I think getting something for myself would be great.

Me: What was the last song you listened to?

Nick: Cruel to be kind by Nick Lowe

, Me: I’ll write it down to listen to later. 

Photo taken by @soulcaptor 

Me:Last Question! Rollercon? See you there? Huck Skate Supply is having a booth, do you know where you’re going to be? 

Nick: Yes, they are changing the layout for now. Along with the other vendors, yes.  

Me: Right on! Well thank you for taking the time to answer my weird questions. Anything plugs you would like to add?

Nick: You can find me on @Nickthemedic on Instagram and check out huckskatesupply.com and @huckskatesupply on Instagram as well. 

Me: Alright well, any last words? 

Nick: Nope, 

Me: I’m sure you got better shit to do XD 

Social Links:

Don't bother fussing with the Penny Trucks, save yourself the trouble and get some Huck Skate Trucks
You can vist Huck Skate Supply for all your skate park needs at:

If you are in the Southern California area, check out The Quad Cup at Etnies Skatepark
June 29, 2024

Lastly, get your custom vinyl sublimation at  @rockysbootique

See all ya'll at Rollercon!


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