The World's Okayest Skater...

Where to even begin....

 In about a month I am turning 30...I've been playing Roller Derby since I was 18, and over the years I've established enough injuries to make me feel I'm approaching 75. Between the shoulder subluxation, the fucked right knee, and multiple concussions, at the start of the year I decided to hang my skates up and call it a day on that sport. Let me tell you, it was the most miserable three months I've ever spent. Inevitably I'd try to find new "hobbies" like learning to crochet (which is actually kind of fun). But it didn't bring the same joy as a full contact sport. I pretty much failed at retiring myself, for like the 2nd or 3rd time in the past 12 years. Only this time I am not tied down to a single team, and can roam around the Southern California area as an independent or "Nomad" skater. 

    I've also decided to throw in a kicker, I've started to learn and play Ice Hockey. I know what you're saying, " Trish what the hell are you doing? You're 100 pounds soaking wet and could become a bionic woman with all of the braces for support!" Well I haven't played hockey since I was about 7 or 8 and to be honest, there wasn't a lot of support for girls hockey in 90's SoCal. One day in my three month retirement stint, I was doom scrolling to keep my mind occupied on what would be a practice night, when I noticed an add for a Women's Learn to Play Hockey program at a Anaheim Ducks Rinks facility. Sure I thought, what could hurt putting my e-mail in there. Weeks passed by and it totally vacated my mind, until a week ago(4-5 months later) I got the registration e-mail. 

    Looking at the e-mail from my 9-5 office job, I quietly uttered the words..."Shit". I slept on it for about a night and decided, sure I'll do it as I didn't really have much going on anyway. So there ya go, a decision and then the anxiety and questions started to flood my head. . 

    Fast forward to the day of the Learn to Play Clinic. Sitting in the parking lot of KHS Ice, about 20 minutes early ( I will literally flip out if I'm late to anything, and by late I mean on time). Staring at the front door in my rearview mirror of my truck, I timidly open the door and head inside. As soon as I go in, I'm picking up all of the gear in an organized assembly line of Women of all ages wanting to learn to play the great game of Hockey. This program actually loans you ALL of the gear to start, with a $250 deposit. The trainers at KHS even helped out by explaining what everything was, and all with a welcoming attitude which was much appreciated by this nervous wreck that was me. 

    After picking up the equipment, I head to the locker room to start gearing up and to hopefully meet some new friends who are equally as anxious as I was. I did meet a couple of very sweet people and it helped gather my confidence. 

    By the time Coach Hutch whistled everyone on the ice, I was shivering and not because of the chill of the ice. It looked like I was the smallest one there. Regardless, I joined the others as we broke off into 4-5 lines to practice some skate skills. Coming off of quad skates, it was VERY different but similar at the same time. It's all edging work, but a slim edge on the blade. I could stride and crossover fairly well, but my stops could use some work.

    The hour went by so fast as we were all having so much fun! Not one negative thing was said, and whenever someone was struggling we made sure that we helped motivate by yelling "YOU GOT THIS!" or something similar. The last 15 minutes we spent playing 3x3 mini games, and you could tell that everyone was having the time of their life. I pooped out with about 3-5 minutes left feeling dizzy and faint (my stupid ass for not getting enough water), but I at least got one in. 

    I haven't sweat like that in a long time, and it was invigorating. Even while I'm writing this I still have a shit eating grin from a good day which I needed so badly. I'll be dropping in a couple of practices with some local leagues in Roller Derby, and I'll be waiting for the next Sunday hockey clinic very eagerly. 

                    With love,

                    Trish McCallister (Zeppelin#151)


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