
Rollercon '24: A Love Note

In case you missed it, Rollercon was last week. The annual trek to the middle of the desert to celebrate roller skating with the world began on Tuesday through Sunday. With the trip came some fun, internal conflicts, and much dancing to be had at the parties. I managed to come through sober, even though I’ll admit it was hot as fuck outside and a frozen margarita sounded lovely. Still did it. Instead of getting hammered, I thought about what my next steps in life were, and how did skating fit into the picture. Before I even left, Rollercon started with a chiropractor visit. I swear if I hadn’t done that, my body wouldn’t have been able to get through the Con. I didn’t sign up for any games, did a few classes, and hesitated to even put my park skates on knowing I was having a difficult time getting around the convention. I DID, however, sign up for a shit ton of NSO positions. This gave me a purpose and eased my mind asking if it was even worth coming to Rollercon. In between s

"Dropping In" with Nicholas Stewart aka Nick The Medic

Design by Rocky        I got a chance to sit down and ask some questions to a super duper rad skater. This was huge for me to overcome my awkward and quirky introvert behavior and take a break from writing some fictions and get back to blogging. Shout out to Rocky who made my newish logo, I might have some cool free stickers too if you ask. So look down further for an awkward Zeppelin and a cool as shit Nicholas Stewart aka Nick The Medic Me : To preface this, I am in now way a journalist. Nick : Oh we know Me: *laughs awkwardly* Me : Starting off, let's introduce yourself: imagine yourself at a podium in front of the whole world, what would you say about you and who you are? Nick : Hi my name is Nicholas Stewart, some people know me as Nick The Medic on Instagram and in the rollerskate community.  Me : Alright thats it, thanks for coming. Just kidding check this rad shit out. Photo taken by  @soulcaptor   Me : lets jump into it, I can only assume, but being an influencer in the

It's okay if you don’t skate…

     Well, well, well, here we are again. Apologies while I’ve been checked out and disassociated for a while there. This is just a piece to update you on the road so far. Took an awkward fall at women’s hockey league about 2-3 months ago, who’s really keeping tabs. I know, I know…” you should really be more careful” and all that shit. I SWEAR it wasn’t my own doing, just a freak fall/collision where I tweaked my neck and “good” shoulder.   I tried to push through it and doing full contact felt worse and the pain started to radiate down my shoulder. No good. Also, what does not help is that I have transitioned to a different adult job (because derby and hockey aren’t cheap), so I must wait for a scan to see if the nerve is fucked. Yes, those are medical terms. In the meantime, I have been reading (too much in my opinion), and I think I might be recommending a NSFW book every time I blog. If you are recovering from injury or plain old burnout, its okay to take a break. It is okay to eve

It's been 84 years..

  I haven’t been here for a while…   Mental health is a daily struggle. I have a deep fear of the ocean and the only way to describe it is being stuck in the crash of the wave. The ocean will keep you under and no matter how much strength you have, it will hold you under its crushing force with every breath getting harder and harder. That’s the only way I can describe it. Writing has always been an outlet, and I let myself slip for months. This blog won’t be about skating at all. It will be my stupid ramblings about my self confidence and health issues. I know right, boring. I feel that I need to let it go and be a little selfish with posting it though. Healthwise, things have not been bad, but the mental journey has been the hardest it has been. On top of all the other health issues, last year marked a rough patch with vision and my body changing. It started with taking a much-needed nap in December 2022. I thought I was getting a bad allergy attack and felt puffy and sleepy a

Rollercon 2023: Part 1

  Rollercon 2023: Part 1                Captain’s log, stardate August 24 th , 2023: somewhere in the Nevada desert. A gathering of people comes to basically just skate around. No I’m just kidding, there is a TON of stuff to do and its not just for Roller Derby Skaters. In the words of my good friend Mike SumNoyz, “Its roller skates summer camp.” Bear with me as I’m still riding the high that is Rollercon and give you a few glimpses through my adventure.                This year has been different than the ones before, as it was only 3 days. Meaning that literally everything is crammed into those 3 days, and you have to schedule everything you want to do in advanced. With that being said, you can schedule everything you want to, but it may not end up being the final adventure. The first day for me consisted of only 1 class. An introduction to Banked Track taught by the lovely Isabelle Ringer. A literal goddess of the roller skate community in San Diego. As a skater who has been doi

Rollercon: The Calm Before the Storm

  Rollercon: The Calm Before the Storm   It’s the night before Rollercon, and all who gather are reuniting with their friends and loved ones before the convention begins by having a couple of drinks. Technically this is day 2 for me as we have arrived 2 days before the convention commences.   The first day consisted of travel and the Walmart haul of items you need or forgot. Of course, yours truly had forgotten socks of all things (I’m not the best packer).  We also had a dinner celebrating a dear friend/teammate in her 13 th  year of being involved in roller derby. Proceeding to go to the room and conking out to sleep before an early morning volunteer shift.    If it weren’t for the volunteers and staff, Rollercon would simply cease to exist. The hard work they put in really shows how much they love this community and want it to thrive. Every ticket holder is indebted to them and should show their appreciation. Cheers to you Staff and Volunteers, thank you for everything you do!   Aft