
Showing posts from August, 2023

Rollercon: The Calm Before the Storm

  Rollercon: The Calm Before the Storm   It’s the night before Rollercon, and all who gather are reuniting with their friends and loved ones before the convention begins by having a couple of drinks. Technically this is day 2 for me as we have arrived 2 days before the convention commences.   The first day consisted of travel and the Walmart haul of items you need or forgot. Of course, yours truly had forgotten socks of all things (I’m not the best packer).  We also had a dinner celebrating a dear friend/teammate in her 13 th  year of being involved in roller derby. Proceeding to go to the room and conking out to sleep before an early morning volunteer shift.    If it weren’t for the volunteers and staff, Rollercon would simply cease to exist. The hard work they put in really shows how much they love this community and want it to thrive. Every ticket holder is indebted to them and should show their appreciation. Cheers to you Staff and Volunteers, thank you for everything you do!   Aft

Another Door Opens

                    Photo taken by Joseph R. Davis 2019      I turn 30 on August 11, 2023. Most people would be dreading it, but I guess I’m not most people. I embrace it. It’s like finally reaching the end of a long hallway and opening the door and to your relief the hallway disappears behind you as you enter the next decade. With my health being a shitshow at the beginning of the year, its finally starting to level out and giving me a much-needed break. So, what do I do with that? Get back into derby and start up in a Women’s Hockey league. A lot of exciting stuff is coming up, one of them being the draft clinics into the hockey league. The other would be Rollercon.                To those who are new to the Derbyverse and beyond, I know what you’re saying. What the hell is Rollercon? Welp, in a simple definition it’s a convention for those who come from all over the world to learn and celebrate Roller Derby, Park Skating, Jam Skating, and roller skate community as a whole. I wen